As you already know I am avid lover of animals
I would like to invite everyone down to
There will be art show benefiting Animal Rescue.
Every Animal Counts and this is a chance to make a difference in a creatures life
who can't talk for themselves.
Please come out and support them.
My Piece is Called
"A Doggies Guide to the American Dream."
"From Shelter to Fabulous."
An Original Illustration
This piece was made to tell a story about the countless times people adopt that scruffy little dog at the shelter to take home. That first ounce of love shown to the animal, the kisses from the owner, the first bath and New Home Meal, the kisses and hugs from the new adoptive parents, the sweater or crystal collar bought for that dog or even little rubber shoes, the spark and tinkle seen in the doggies eye....knowing he is finally loved and found a home, the bath, trim and new look and walk with his new Adoptive parents, the pride and excitement to know they are always loved by their new adoptive parents. I saw it first hand with my animals I have, I know you have too.
I completed a piece for the event that will be for sale Benefiting them.
Please come out and support all the wonderful artists that took their love for animals and for art and put it into this show..
I love you Vegas and You have been good to me, lets spread that love to the animals here.
Thank you guys ..
Love Karen.