Sunday, October 23, 2011

Today I want to Thank My Grandmother....And all my Family in Germany.

I want to thank my Grandmother and Family in Germany....
They were the ones who gave me (Panty Hose Card Paper to Draw on....)when I was 5 and up....
Taught me not to waste anything.....
My Family in Germany sent me so many cool paint kits and marker kits growing up so I could get really excited about doing art....It was so exciting when they sent me a package for my Birthday.....

You made a difference in my life.......

I thank you for it....
You gave me the tools to start out in life....

Mom and Dad ...its a given... You always supported me and I love you both for it!!!

I placed a glass Drafting Table in the gallery....

Now I can create some work while I am hanging out in the gallery.....I like the Reflections it gives to the room.....Creates a good energy around the room....

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Painting now after I slept half the day....Got up This 7am this morning to do The American Heart Association Heart Walk

It was a great showing TONS of people in support....
Nice people out there.....everyone was friendly...
It got hot....104 by the time I got home WHEW!!!!
Karen does not do heat well....
I was so tired after I went back to bed and slept till 4:30pm.....

Sunday, October 9, 2011

First Friday was a Blast!

Thank you everyone for coming down to First Friday!  I enjoyed talking to all of you...
The vibe was very positive and upbeat!!!  I left that night charged up and very happy to talk to many very interesting people... I also have some VERY EXCITING PROJECTS IN THE WORKS!!!!

Thank you also to some of my collectors for stopping by and purchasing some wonderful pieces....

Thank you again Vegas and Abroad for supporting me and my fellow artists....

I truly appreciate all of you.


Come on Down to Jaikowski Studios for the Latest Series of Paintings