Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Tonight in Vegas

The  Night Was So Beautiful
 I had to take a Picture of the Strip tonight...

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Working on A Couple of Projects This weekend..

Wrapped up the the major part of the project.
This Project is Huge I have been working on this for close to 5 years and It gives me cold chills just thinking about how huge and the impact this project is going to be.
I think this project will change lives...
I am so so so excited about it.
I hope you will too when it's released.

Other then that I also have a couple of New Paintings to be released to the public.

Working hard
Staying Focused
Enjoying Life

Have A Awesome Weekend.. Stay Safe and happy!

Saturday, January 5, 2013

First Friday was a Blast!

Today I am sleepy and Tired....
Nancy and Tamara delighted the night with Wine and Awesome Cookies.
Thank you to my returning customers for coming in and purchasing my Pieces....
It was fun seeing all of you and listening to your stories....
Looking forward to telling you some more exciting news soon.....Big
As for now....... May you have a exciting weekend filled with fun and rest.....

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Years In Vegas!

Night started off with me being still Sick with a Rude Cold that I have for 2 weeks now....ridiculous...
But I bundled up and slept all day to go out that night....hee hee

We proceeded to stop by a neighborhood place for a drink and got a Vanilla Beer Liqueur from Spain....

Not bad it was interesting.....

Then we took off to the Hidden Spot near the strip to see the Fireworks....It was perfect and Laughable
ask me about where when you see me.....It was quite the interesting spot to stop in the parking lot and not have to deal with the crowds......

Then the strip Lit up!!!! Happy New Years Everyone....May Everyone Achieve all Their Goals they set forth to do......